Discolouration and spillage FAQs

Discolouration and spillage FAQs


  • When pigments have been disturbed in this way, wait until the paint is completely dry. Then reapply paint avoiding touching the wet film.

I have used Cetol Novatech on exterior cladding, but there is a brown stain under every nail?

  • Because of the vapour permeable nature of Sikkens woodstains, iron or steel nails are not "sealed off" from air and moisture, thus rusting of the nails can still occur.

    Rainfall then washes the rust away and is seen as a brown "tear-like" discolouration of the timber. Any loose or rusty nails, screws, etc. should be replaced with galvanised or non-ferrous fixings, which will not corrode, even if exposed to the weather.

    Wherever possible it is preferable to use lost head nails, but if this is impractical, nails should be punched home and any remaining holes filled with a suitable woodfiller.



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